The Orient House is
the national  headquarters
of the Palestinian people
in Jerusalem

Israeli Authorites Closure of the Orient House

After re-launching our website, the Orient House hopes to have your continuous, much needed and highly appreciated support, especially during this period of intensified Israeli pressure to halt any Palestinian institutions from operating and serving the well-being of the Palestinian civilian population in Occupied Palestinian Jerusalem.    read more - >


Press Release

12 July 2005

Israeli policies in Jerusalem are endangering the two state solution.

Following the recent decision made by the Israeli Government to accelerate the construction of the separation wall in and around Jerusalem, and noting the first anniversary of the ICJ's ruling of the illegality of the wall and its call upon the Government of Israel to dismantle it, the Orient House stresses the following:

With the attention of the regional and international community focused on Israel's unilateral plan to disengage from the Gaza Strip, the Israeli government has seized the opportunity to consolidate its interests in Israeli-Occupied East Jerusalem. It is accelerating a policy of creating facts on the ground that will irrevocably ensure exclusive Israeli control over Jerusalem
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بيان صحفي حول سياسات الحكومة الاسرائيلية بعزل وأسرلة القدس

في ضوء قرار الحكومة الاسرائيلية بتسريع وتيرة العمل على ما يسمى بغلاف القدس والذكرى السنوية الأولى لقرار المحكمة الدولية بعدم شرعية الجدار و مطالبتها للحكومة الاسرائيلية بضرورة ازالته، نود في بيت الشرق أن نؤكد على ما يلي

لقد استغلت إسرائيل الوضع المحلي والدولي وإنشغال العالم فيما يسمى بخطة شارون للانسحاب الاحادي من غزة، بخلق واقع جديد حول مدينة القدس بتغليفها بالتكتلات الاستيطانية والشوارع الالتفافية وجدار الفصل العنصري، ضاربة عرض الحائط مواثيق القانون الدولي الانساني واتفاقية جنيف الرابعة لحماية المدنيين اثناء الحرب.

< اقرأ المزيد


The Orient House
The PLO Headquarters in Jerusalem
The Orient House is the symbol of Palestinian aspirations for autonomy and solidarity in Israeli Occupied Jerusalem and is the only establishment today waving the Palestinian national flag.

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